Where to cross the border.............


> Where to Cross the Border 
> If You Cross The North Korean Border
> Illegally 
> You get 12 years Hard Labour.

> If You Cross The Iranian Border
> Illegally
> You Are Detained Indefinitely.

> If You Cross The Afghan Border
> Illegally,
> You Get Shot.
> If You Cross The Saudi Arabian Border
> Illegally
> You Will Be Jailed. 
> If You Cross The Chinese Border
> Illegally
> You May Never Be Heard Again.

> If You Cross The Venezuelan Border
> Illegally
> You Will Be Branded A Spy And Your
> Fate Will Be Sealed. 
> If You Cross The Cuban Border
> Illegally
> You Will Be Thrown Into Political
> Prison To Rot. 
> If You Enter Britain
> Illegally 
> You Will be Arrested, Prosecuted And
> Sent To Prison And Deported 
> If You Are Indonesian AND ILLEGALLY
> -  MyPR (Permanent
> Residence / Pemastautin Tetap)
> -  A Driving
> License, 
> -  Voting
> Rights
> -  Job Reservation,

> -  Special Privilege
> to be Consider as Bumi, 
> -  Credit Cards,

> -  Subsidized Rent
> Or A Loan To Buy A House, 
> -  Free Education,

> -  Free Health
> Care,     
> Oh
> Malaysia, what a great
> country!!



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Mummy Firaun